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Tango Lab in Ojai:  May 2016

Tomás Corbalán + Yamila Ivonne

— from New York & Buenos Aires —


Embodying Tango's Ebb + Flow

—   and   — 


Dancing Into Tango's Deeper Canvas

Sunday - May 22, 2016  —  at a private home in Ojai  —

"Dynamics" + "Silence" — Tango Lab in Ojai with Tomás + Yamila, May 2016

Overview:  Tomás + Yamila: "Dynamics" + "Silence"



Sunday, May 22, 2016



in a private home in Ojai



6:00 - 7:00 ... Social Hour with Tomás, Yamila + Lab Dancers
          — "potluck" refreshments — bring something to share ...

Tango Lab:


7:00 - 10:00 p.m. - a Two-Hour Seminar:  "Dynamics" + "Silence"
          — plus supervised práctica with Tomás + Yamila



 $30 / Dancer * ... (= $60 / couple)

   *   For this edition of "Tango Lab" ...

•    Active Social Dancers

This edition of Tango Lab is aimed at active social dancers in our local and neighboring communities.

To join us with confidence on Monday evening, you should be familiar and comfortable with dancing in a closer embrace — improvising tango in varying floor conditions, to a range of music, with a variety of partners ...

•    Role Balanced

In order to maximize everyone's experience and insure that we have an equal number of leaders and followers, you are encouraged to register and attend Tango Lab with a partner.

For single dancers interested in Tango Lab, please let us know your role, and we will do our best to match you with an appropriate single partner, if available ...

And while "traditional" gender roles are not a limitation — women who lead and men who follow are both welcome — we will plan on keeping to an even number of dancers so that everyone will have a partner throughout this seminar ...

•    Limited Enrollment

Thank you for your understanding that, because of the size of the room, we will only be able to accommodate a limited number of dancers for this intimate seminar in a private home with Tomás Corbalán+ Yamila Ivonne.

Questions + Registration — please contact:   Stephen Bauer ...

Tomás + Yamila:  Workshops + Appearances in L.A.

Milonga Luna           Small Group Workshops           Tango Room - El Encuentro

Tomás + Yamila — in L.A.

Dancing + Performing at:

Milonga Luna

— Friday, May 20 —




Friday Night — May 20, 2016



Milonga Luna



Republiq Dance Studio - 4040 Eagle Rock Boulevard, Glendale



Tomás + Yamila — dancing + performance



 10:00 pm - 2:00 am ... Music by DJ Martu Salem of Buenos Aires



 $15 / Dancer

More Info:


 Milonga Luna - on Facebook

  • Impressions of Tomás + Yamila's exhibition at Milonga Luna — by dancer + writer Gabriel Magni, on his blog Tango Path ...

  • Video of Tomás + Yamila dancing to "To Wish Impossible Things" by The Cure at Milonga Luna — recorded by dancer Rose de Guzman (posted on Facebook) ...

Tomás + Yamila
— dancing at Milonga Luna in Los Angeles, May 2016

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Tomás + Yamila — in L.A.

— Teaching on the Westside —

Small Group Workshops

— Saturday, May 21—




Saturday Daytime — May 21, 2016



A Private Home



On the Westside — 3851 W. 64th Street, Los Angeles



Tomás + Yamila — Small Group "Intensive" Workshops


        Two 90-minute Workshops with Supervised Prácticas


Workshop 1:


 1:00 - 2:30   |   "Elastic Embrace for Heart-to-Heart Fluidity"

Workshop 2:


 3:00 - 4:30   |   "Flow + Spatiality - Circular Paths + Rhythms"




 1:00 - 5:00 pm — in the afternoon




 $45 / Dancer * ... for Both Workshops + Supervised Prácticas


More Info:


 Robert Schafer  —  323.251.5111  —  rfschafer@earthlink.net

Role Balanced    —     * For Intermediate / Advanced Social Dancers

Limited Enrollment     —     Pre-Registration Required

Small Group Workshops in Los Angeles with Tomás + Yamila, May 2016

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Tomás + Yamila — in L.A.

Teaching, Dancing + Performing at:

El Encuentro

— Saturday, May 20 —




Saturday Night — May 21, 2016



El Encuentro



Tango Room - 4346 Woodman Avenue, Sherman Oaks



Tomás + Yamila — pre-milonga class, dancing + performance



 8:30 - 9:30   |   "The Lotus of Tango - Simplicity + Beauty"

"All Levels" Class for the Improvised Social Dance Floor, with a focus on some of Tomás + Yamila's favorite topics related to the connection, interaction + communication between partners ...



 9:30 pm - 3:00 am



 $20 / Class + Milonga ... $14 - $17 / Milonga Only

More Info:


 El Encuentro - on the web

"The Lotus of Tango - Simplicity + Beauty" — pre-milonga class at El Encuentro with Tomás + Yamila, May 2016
"One of the best I ever had. I'm going to be a different dancer after that class.
I've been using [the weight change ideas Tomás + Yamila presented] all night long,
and my partner fell in love with me all over again."

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More About Tomás Corbalán + Yamila Ivonne

Yamila + Tomás

Tomás Corbalán + Yamila Ivonne were born in Argentina.

In both their dancing and their teaching, they seek an approach to Tango that is mindful, holistic, and integrated.

Drawing equally on sensitivity and experience, they aim to move well beyond any limiting notion of local or historical "styles" in order to create Tango with a more organic, healthy and effortless personal style.

In this way, as they explore ever more options and freedom for both partners in both roles, they seek to embody the very deepest values, traditions and essence of the milonga. In this shared space, we not only come together to celebrate with one another, we also cherish + honor the many gifts that we as individuals bring forward and offer to the dance. In Tango, we embrace our friends and fellow human beings — each one of us a unique person, dancer and artist, fully and authentically ourselves.

Tomás + Yamila believe the path toward this more essential Tango invites us to blend many layers, levels and aspects of connection — within our own bodies, minds + spirit, between partners and among couples, with history and presence, with the flowing music and with stillness + silence, with our imagination and a graceful acceptance of "what is" — uniting all of these many features and facets into one harmonious dance with no fragmentation.



Tomás + Yamila's recent teaching, both separately and together, includes ...

In Buenos Aires:

La Viruta, El Beso, El Esquinazo, El Juvenil, Villa Malcolm, La Catedral, Practica La Maria

Argentina — Outside Buenos Aires:

Tierra del Fuego, Santa Fe, Tucuman, Mendoza, Neuquen, Mar Del Plata, Rio Negro

Europe + Middle East:

Italy, Germany, Spain, Belguim, England, Ireland, Slovenia, Russia, Austria, France, Lebanon


Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, India (New Delhi, Goa)

US + Americas:

United States (Portland, Austin, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, New Orleans, Tulsa, New York City, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Miami), Canada, Mexico, and Brazil

Links to More About Tomás + Yamila ...

Tomás + Yamila - on Facebook

    — activities, events, video ...

Weekend Workshops - in Portland

    — in April 2016

Workshops at Tangopura - Singapore

    — in February 2016

In New York City + Environs

This + main image above are both stills from "Artistic Video"
with visuals by Beth Warshafsky     


Video of Tomás + Yamila's Dancing:

Golden Age —

Alternative —

Performance —

Past Quantum Tango Workshops & Events with Visiting Dancers

•    Brigitta Winkler — Tango Lab: "Intimacy" — March 2016

•    Muma Valino — Tango Lab: "La Esencia" of Ricardo Vidort — October 2015

•    Joaquín Amenábar — "Essential Units of Tango Rhythm" + "Melody in Tango" — July 2015

•    Virginia Pandolfi — Tango Lab: "Follower's Technique" — June 2015

•    Folias Tango — "Mapping the Tango" - Phrase Structure + Form — June 2015

•    Brigitta Winkler — "Flirty Vals" — March 2015

•    Momo Smitt — "Clean, Clear, Crisp, Rhythmic" + "Hold Me Tight, Let Me Go" — May 2014

•    Daniel Trenner — Tango Lab:  "Principles of Letting + Flowing" — March 2014

•    Brigitta Winkler — "INTER:  Act / Sect / Weave / Relate" — February 2014

•    Leonel Chen + Florencia Han — "Milonga:  Fast + Small" — November 2013

•    Daniel Trenner — Tango Lab: "Iconic Roles - The Lead + Follow Dynamic" — March 2013

•    Felipe Martinez — "Cross-System Gems" — September 2012

•    Sharna Fabiano — "Close Embrace of the Third Kind" — September 2011

•    Folias Tango Quartet & Avik Basu — "Tango Music:  Its Secrets Revealed" — August 2010

•    Daniel Trenner — "Milonga:  Traditional Perspectives & Tráspie" — May 2009

•    Sabine Zubarik — "Milonga for Beginners" — April 2009

•    Andrés Amarilla + Meredith Klein — Mulitple Workshops — October 2007   (pdf)

•    Andrés Amarilla : Extended Residency — January / February / March 2007   (pdf)

•    Andrés Amarilla + Meredith Klein — Tango Lab: "Alternative Embrace" — May 2006

•    Andrés Amarilla + Meredith Klein — Multiple Workshops — May / June 2006   (pdf)

•    Andrés Amarilla + Meredith Klein — Tango Lab Intensive: "Nuevo" — February 2006


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