In the 1940s, a group of cutting edge dancers, led by the legendary
Petróleo and Lavandina, got together at Club Nelson in
Buenos Aires and revolutionized the idea of turns in Tango
changing the couple's shared center, adding the notion of "spin,"
and transforming the elegant and sedate vuelta into the dynamic
and explosive giro.
This innovation unlocked ever more possibilities, allowing
the Club Nelson crew to invent and describe a whole range of
Tango movements, ideas and situations that are now considered
essential "classics" of the form -- including sacadas, ganchos
and boleos.
In this one-hour workshop, we will take a closer look at one
example of a dynamic turn inspired by their ground-breaking
discoveries, a tight clock-wise rotation (to the "hard" side)
that is exceptionally useful on the dance floor, applying with
equal ease to all three rhythmic genres -- tango, milonga
and vals.